
Innocent Entrepreneur

Innocent Entrepreneur
In the recent year, I created Cryptocurrency Premium Room in Telegram App for the aspired global Crypto traders/Investors.
Along the development, I introduced many opportunities.
One of these values is assisting members accumulating new Crypto Project when the price was ok, so that they could get in cheaply & achieve reliable return.
To win big in Crypto, you need bulletproof entries.
I later detected most of my Community members had no much knowledge about Crypto & I need to help them buy.
One day, one handsome Nigerian lady seek for my assistant through her trust over me.
Same day, She sent me some money to assist her accumulate some digital dollars, so that She could buy target Project.
After done the transfer,
My account wasn’t credited for hours.
Like play like play.
She asked me how & I replied tendered the situation.
Emerging someone that trust me & sent me money for emergency task for the 1st time.
Not easy for me to just bear something I had no real insights about but was executed by trustworthy Community member.
How would I explain this?
You know what?
I didn’t get alert throughout the day & my account wasn’t credited.
I tendered the situation to this new member.
Something shocked me!
Let’s see till tomorrow if it would be credited, “Client said.
I was joyful partially. Although, I wasn’t happy about the experience.
Because, from my huge real life experience dealing with the internet?
That’s exactly the usual method SCAMMERS used to rob people online.
They would persuade them & commit them to an attractive service & after payment, they blocked them everywhere immediately.
They scammed one of my Students 300K using same method! I wasn’t happy over that Mentee(retiree) that refused to inform me all over the period of their communication before Scam..
My image was so important to me!
That’s why I was sad over the new transfer.
To touch the Apex in this real life story.
Shortly after the last Chart with my humble Crypto Community Premium Member, my account was credit with the same amount & I was so joyful.
I fulfilled the entire promises immediately & my referred Client trust me more till today.
What To Learn
Let the Client understand what may likely transpired when dealing with money transfer requirement deal in Nigeria Country. Some Clients will blackmail you before you know how far & Nigeria banking network will send you back to the Village, if not arrested you Innocent before confirmation. Creating awareness about this for your Client will put you on a saver side & you will be fully free of any UNFORSEEN FACTORS.
Learn from my real life story dealing with Client through transfer in Nigeria Country.
Terrible Client won’t ever believed, you’re an “Innocent Entrepreneur”.
Hope you have been blessed through this message?
Thanks for learning!
The most successful people in the World reached the top by reading reliable books in their GOALS. You’ve gained access to one here and already reading everything. Congrats!
Go through the entire website to learn more about the latest online business, high Income skills, sales & marketing lessons, make money online/offline SECRETS, real life events & real Internet security education, etc. No room for wasting your precious time in this PROSPERITY Website. To make it easy for you, that’s why I summarized each book(everything) I produced as founder of this Website.
It’s easy for you to be making millions monthly in this Website, just like other members if you share/promote your referrer link as Affiliate. Just copy your referrer link under affiliate link through your account dashboard & promote it globally. We have 8Billion People Worldwide now. Means you have opportunity to be making millions monthly. Everything you need to succeed to become a “Super Affiliate(Angel)” is already available across the learning rooms. Super Affiliates usually make between 5 – 10Million each monthly online from Nigeria. You too can reach that level if you trust the process and start now.
ACTION TAKING is the most important step in this Website. Always take MASSIVE ACTIONS over whatever you’ve learned to achieve the best. Always remember to share your testimonies in our WhatsApp(+2348137427016) if these tangible values address your pain. 
Congrats! You can only move forward by keep learning in this International Website World Internet Billionaires Yearly.
WATCHOUT for LIFE TURNAROUND INFORMATION coming to this Website along daily!!!

World Internet Billionaires Copyright © 2020



1. Money will not make you rich. 
Don’t rush through this. 
Pause and think about it.
2. Money is a good servant but a bad master. 
You can be a slave to money, and that’s a bad place to be. 
Money can be a slave to you, that’s where you should be.
3. It’s the duty of all men to be Rich and Wealthy.
It’s a SIN to be POOR.
4. Being poor is a mental condition, being broke is a temporal condition. 
Work your way out of the poverty of the mind.
5. Money can’t stay with someone that’s poverty conscious.
Poverty consciousness is more worse than Corona Virus.
6. If you’ve got a money problem then money is not your problem.  
You’ve got a thinking problem.
Because wealth is man’s capacity to think.
If you can think all you have is enough.
7. You’re poor not because there’s no money. 
You’re poor because you’re wired POOR. 
Note: If you were born in a home were they eat from hand to mouth.
You’ve got lots of work to do. Because seeing that alone has placed a peg of scarcity in your mind.
Hope you have been blessed through this message?
Thanks for learning!
The most successful people in the World reached the top by reading reliable books in their GOALS. You’ve gained access to one here and already reading everything. Congrats!
Go through the entire website to learn more about the latest online business, high Income skills, sales & marketing lessons, make money online/offline SECRETS, real life events & real Internet security education, etc. No room for wasting your precious time in this PROSPERITY Website. To make it easy for you, that’s why I summarized each book(everything) I produced as founder of this Website.
It’s easy for you to be making millions monthly in this Website, just like other members if you share/promote your referrer link as Affiliate. Just copy your referrer link under affiliate link through your account dashboard & promote it globally. We have 8Billion People Worldwide now. Means you have opportunity to be making millions monthly. Everything you need to succeed to become a “Super Affiliate(Angel)” is already available across the learning rooms. Super Affiliates usually make between 5 – 10Million each monthly online from Nigeria. You too can reach that level if you trust the process and start now.
ACTION TAKING is the most important step in this Website. Always take MASSIVE ACTIONS over whatever you’ve learned to achieve the best. Always remember to share your testimonies in our WhatsApp(+2348137427016) if these tangible values address your pain. 
Congrats! You can only move forward by keep learning in this International Website World Internet Billionaires Yearly.
WATCHOUT for LIFE TURNAROUND INFORMATION coming to this Website along daily!!!

World Internet Billionaires Copyright © 2020


How To Sell Anything like CRAZY?

How To Sell Anything like CRAZY.
World Internet Billionaires is no BULLSHIT International Platform to get straightforward Solutions without stupid embedded stories.
Here are the tangible SECRETS:
Today, Business Owners spend millions upon millions created Products/Services, designed World Class Logo, Equip standard Chairs in their businesses Offices with full A.C, did other things.
At the end of the day, business paralized!
Product’s Creator refused to “MAKE HAY WHILE THE SUN SHINES”.
You’re not wrong when you fell into this category in the past but you’re bad if you still don’t admit changes now.
Below Are 12 Secret Habits Of Highly Successful Global Sellers:
1st Habit
Do you have Website?
Buyers wanted to deal with the real Seller and 90% of these buyers that come across your small/large business wanted guaranteed package.
You build Website for early credibility.
And, it would help you break that trust barrier initially.
Your business is small & you don’t have money to create good(if not standard) website.
No excuse?
Go & create free website in “Google Free Website”
Although, big buyers(like $10K) won’t recognize free Website, but, there’s nothing bad in starting somewhere.
You can start with any of the free Web Services & go better as soon as having little budget.
Top Sellers start their business journey in live Website, Newbies went shortcut & failed.
2nd Habit
You need to render your package presentation well from the onset, otherwise, you won’t succeed.
That’s good “COPYWRITING”.
You can learn big about Copywriting in our Website across, we’ve a lot of World Class real life successful Copywriting Education/Secrets from real life Sales & Marketing experience.
The ball is at your Court now!
You don’t have just an hour a day to learn?
No barrier!
Seek the service of a reliable Copywriter to do the magic for you.
All the same.
3rd Habit
Reading Business Books
All the top Sellers I know used to read many business books monthly, especially, the Sales & Marketing Books in which you need the most.
Try to get/read:
Ca$hvertising Book(By Drew Eric Whitman)
Sell like CRAZY(By Sabri Suby)
How To Sell To Nigerians(By Akin Alabi)
Traffic Secret(By Brunson Russell)
The greatest selling secrets are inside the books, that’s why top Sellers read like CRAZY to access plenty selling wisdom.
You know what to do now!
4th Habit
They Cherised Partnerships.
Binance Crypto Exchange is the biggest Cryptocurrency Industry Exchange in the entire World.
Despite Binance level?
They partnered with FORBES.
don’t be surprised!
They asked Binance Founder why still partnered with FORBES?
And, he said Binance Company had so much respect for any Organization/Firm/Company higher/Smarter than them.
There was a time I partnered with one big Influencer when I wanted to tap into his huge audience.
You know what?
After his 1st awareness by presenting my sales copy to his audience.
I couldn’t believed the result.
I sold & sold & sold a lot that day. 1st campaign ever! Emerging!
White People so much believed in partnerships, that’s why they’ve achieved tremendously.
This International Platform World Internet Billionaires is presently partnering with many reliable sources now. Watchout as we’re moving higher so soon.
Partnerships are the greatest shortcuts to achieve anything in life. Read, learn & digest.
5th Habit
Netflix used to allow a month free to watch premium movies in their Platform & most of you finally Subscribed after a month enjoyment.
Google allows you to get limited answers for free and sell you adverts.
YouTube allows you to watch for free and sell you advert.
Facebook allows you to socialize and monitize your data(show/sell your dat related ads).
I empowered plenty Newbies for free in Cryptocurrency Industry in 2021 and the largest percentage of Participants are patronizing my business till today.
Since one Woman gave me her Kunu for free, I’m buying almost everyday till today.
Human brain was wired that way, it’s you as a Seller must create system for this, in your business, if you really wanted to be a successful Seller.
That’s it.
6th Habit
Newbies sell based on his own believe package, Giant sell based on Markets’ demands.
Iroko TV figured out Nigerians watched a lot of movies(market’s demand) through rents & launched the 1st & most successful online T.V in Nigeria Country ever.
I see inexperienced Seller committing the same mistake everyday.
They start new businesses with big borrowed capital or using their hard-earned money & loaded Products not even demanded in the marketplace at all.
At a short run(2-3 yrs), businesses liquidate entirely & Sellers in trouble.
 Don’t sell what you like please.
👉SELL what the society wants.
How to know what exactly people want?
– Follow social Networks’ complains.
– Listen to questions & answers on radio.
– Ask in the public groups/forums.
– Test your plan business on Facebook/YouTube/Google Ad.
– Study what your environment lacked that people are painful to get.
– Study your Church/Mosque.
– Confirm in Google Trend.
Let’s continue…….
7th Habit
They Sell Transformation.
This Platform World Internet Billionaires can solve the biggest Problems in the entire World, no matter where you’re living. Especially, moneymaking aspects.
If your product/service can’t transform human lives & remove related pain just like cold water can remove thirsty, don’t sell it.
8th Habit
If you’re still SPAMMING your business across online, no one will patronize you.
That’s the nonsense method people are using to campaign now.
Serious Sellers used to spend 70% of their investment capital in adverts, which is the most important aspect.
Visit our audio room to learn more about selling or make used of plenty info across this Website rooms.
When it comes to selling, positioning matters.
9th Habit
Philanthropist Seller
There was a time Legend Entrepreneur, Otunba Oloye Akin Alabi was distributing free money to his business Followers in his blog.
In my last birthday, I distributed 100K values for FREE.
People will like you & patronize you if they know that you so much cater for humanity.
This is one of the best Strategies to have many Clients.
10th Habit
They Obeyed KLT Rules
K = Know
L = Like 
T = Trust
“If you make Customers unhappy in the physical world, they might each tell 6 friends. If you make Customers unhappy on the internet, they can each tell 6,000 friends.”
– Jeff Bezos
Be consistent with Followers daily with business update for them to know you better.
Give out tangible values FREE for them to like you.
Use real “SOCIAL PROOFs”(Clients’ testimonies) a lot for them to trust you.
Unless you obey KLT Rules, you won’t Sell.
11th Habit
They Hustle Pass Others.
Entrepreneurship is brutal!
You must act like Giant Entrepreneur as a Seller, if you wana SELL LIKE CRAZY.
Nairabet Nigeria Founder, Akin Alabi said sometimes, he used to wake up by 1am in the midnight, executing the necessary tasks across Nairabet Platform & at times slept back around 4/5am, despite his multi-billionaire standard.
I hardly sleep for 4 hours throughout 24 hours daily, creating unlimited solutions for World Internet Billionaires International Platform.
No excuse in Entrepreneurship or real business.
If you wanted to sell in high figure?
You must hustle passed everyone.
12th Habit
Selling Systems
Selling Systems are the most important one.
That’s what the most selling Companies are using till tomorrow.
Time-to-time, they admit one or more Selling Experts to create selling systems on budget.
Selling Expert usually creates reliable Systems from his/her selling experience based on niche involved & test for sometimes.
Truth: Nobody knows the Systems actual angle that will be working perfectly to achieve the target goal.
Expert usually tests & through his huge experience, figured out the winning systems.
Consult any reliable Ad Agency to achieve reliable selling Systems fully fitted for your business type.
Hope you have been blessed in this special episode with the title “How To Sell Anything like CRAZY?”
Now that you have become the best Seller.
Go and sell anything.
Hope you have been blessed through this message?
Thanks for learning!
The most successful people in the World reached the top by reading reliable books in their GOALS. You’ve gained access to one here and already reading everything. Congrats!
Go through the entire website to learn more about the latest online business, high Income skills, sales & marketing lessons, make money online/offline SECRETS, real life events & real Internet security education, etc. No room for wasting your precious time in this PROSPERITY Website. To make it easy for you, that’s why I summarized each book(everything) I produced as founder of this Website.
It’s easy for you to be making millions monthly in this Website, just like other members if you share/promote your referrer link as Affiliate. Just copy your referrer link under affiliate link through your account dashboard & promote it globally. We have 8Billion People Worldwide now. Means you have opportunity to be making millions monthly. Everything you need to succeed to become a “Super Affiliate(Angel)” is already available across the learning rooms. Super Affiliates usually make between 5 – 10Million each monthly online from Nigeria. You too can reach that level if you trust the process and start now.
ACTION TAKING is the most important step in this Website. Always take MASSIVE ACTIONS over whatever you’ve learned to achieve the best. Always remember to share your testimonies in our WhatsApp(+2348137427016) if these tangible values address your pain. 
Congrats! You can only move forward by keep learning in this International Website World Internet Billionaires Yearly.
WATCHOUT for LIFE TURNAROUND INFORMATION coming to this Website along daily!!!

World Internet Billionaires Copyright © 2020


Copywriting Secrets

Copywriting Secrets
If you enter the Stadium as a Player & just playing nonsense, instead of focusing on breaking through the strongest sides of opponent, you will end the Soccer game in havock & it won’t help your Team.
Same rules apply to the Copywriters.
You wish to become one of the greatest Copywriters in the World?
Now, get ready to learn the Copywriting basics without stories.
All the greatest Copywriters I know in the entire World used to address the buying psychology, that’s why they’re the real sought-after in the Sales and Marketing World.
Below are the secret barriers that maketh buying:
1_ 1st Attention
Some Copywriters identify this as EMOTIONAL. Unless you capture this through your business copy introduction, no one will buy from you.
Have you watched WRESTLING?
See how Commentators used to introduce Fighters & no one in the Venue and commit to the fire attention grabbing method.
Always insert this in your Copy HEADLINE and you will win.
No one will obey your selling request unless they read your campaign.
2_ Sentiment
As a human being, we’re wired to be selfish in nature, that’s why you see people searching through the entire Markets on the market’s day to get the cheapest price.
Some offline buyers take extra length by visiting many markets in a day to buy when they confirm the cheapest prices, even online buyers.
Why would buyers visit AliExpress, Alibaba & Amazon Websites before they purchase order they can buy in less than 5 minutes?
That’s human biases!
Always have better offer in your dealing contract and present them altogether as uncompetitive values to the buyers.
3_ Beliefs
Almost all my Community members used to consult me whenever seeking internet advices.
They believed in me.
How did they believed in me?
Hear this short story?
In 2021, I organized “Free 2021 Cryptocurrency Empowerment Programme” for the Twitter Users and, people I didn’t even know participated in this One day 3 Parts’ remote Programme.
I gave out values worth thousands of dollars in Cryptocurrency Industry.
You know what happened immediately after the training?
Participants flooded my DMs, Twitter Tags, Telegram comments, etc. with plenty testimonies.
Despite my huge experience as Entrepreneur, I still learn extraordinary lessons that day.
Those Participants are still patronizing my business till today.
Netflix is not crazy for giving you good one month as free, they want you to perceive what their Service can do for you.
You’re using Facebook for free.
Getting answers in Yahoo answer, Google and YouTube, etc. for free.
All these Tech Giants sell ads to you directly/indirectly.
You want Clients flooded your Copy/business and be begging you to take their money?
Prove what the selling Products/Services can do in the Copy and if possible, make live proofs.
Some Sellers render this as free taste.
Apply whatever works for your business type.
A million dollars secret handed over to you and it’s working like CRAZY.
4_ Triggers
There is a particular Woman used to sing on radio before selling anything.
Suppoman, the Crypto Giant used to sing for like 2 minutes before he go live on YouTube always.
You want me to buy your package.
Learn how to move me(triggers) in your Copy and I will buy more than I wish from you unknowingly.
5_ Objections
This is the biggest problem killing many Copies!
Prospective buyers will have unlimited reasons not to buy your package.
A friend of mine was advertising on radio for about 2 Months and nobody purchase his good training Service. 
Emerging a Legend and highly talented friend I so much love his World Class teaching. They didn’t recognize him at all.
He visited my private Office & I advised him to open calls for the entire Listeners in the next Programme.
You know what?
Live in his next Programme, he announced phone Number to call him live in his Programme & Prospective Buyers bombarded him with calls.
Everything was as if they had been waiting to call me for Weeks, “my friend said to me.
He addressed all their questions & sales flooded his business same Week after the Programme.
Buyers were naturally wired to solely believed in their minds. 
And, it’s your duty as a Copywriter to admit this in your campaign.
You don’t do this?
You will be thinking of Village people hodling your copy business carrier.
6_ Desires
Anytime I’m in Ogbomoso(Oyo State Nigeria), I usually visit a local Amala plus gbegiri/Luuru(Yam Flour + Beans Soup) Seller.
Something I’ve been missing for days, compare to Chemical meals we used to consume the most in Lagos, Abuja, other big Cities based on business assignments(mostly Lagos).
Why do I do this always?
I must satisfy my desire.
Each Client has his own desired taste.
You can’t satisfy all right?
But, it’s your duty as a Copywriter to command your Client(Seller) to do the needful so that you can exercise your Copywriting standard at full length.
The plan is to satisfy the Clients’ desires, not our own tastes.
7_ Problems
A particular Village was scammed with fake Fertilizers that didn’t contribute anything to their Crops germination and finally destroyed most of their farming Lands.
An Organic Fertilizers’ Seller from my Business Community contact me for the premium advice & I did magic.
My private training charges is huge & he paid without hesitation.
Here are the secret system created for his plan:
– Produce one Video showing where applying Organic Fertilizers to the new maize farm.
– Get another Video showing its massive impacts after few days.
– Prepare another Video showing Soil condition after harvesting and prove live in the Video by testing that Soil that it has improved its structure and will be reproducing  good manure years ahead.
Rule: Don’t sell to those Villages untill you set the proofs, if you really wanted to achieve long term business focus. “I warned my new Client.
As maize can be planted several times in a year.
My Client waited for good 3 Months to prepare everything in the live farm, just to make it genuine as warned.
You wanted to know the outcome?
He started consulting those Villages for the fertilizer Business, showing live proofs to already Scammed Villagers that had decided not to patronize any Fertilizer Seller then.
Sales went through the roof.
Why he sold plenty Fertilizers?
despite many Sellers across the Country?
He presented solution Product backed with real life evidence that he could solve their farm business pain without any doubt.
This young guy is still in my business Community till tomorrow & his real life testimonies are mind-blowing.
People can give you whatever the amount requested, as long as they believed that you can solve the battling PROBLEMS.
I have thousands of real life case studies but I need to hang up here.
Apply this in your Copywriting business & you will achieve whatever your target figure.
These are among the Psychology of human beings when making buying decision.
If your Copy doesn’t address this, you won’t succeed.
Hope you have been blessed through this message?
Thanks for learning!
The most successful people in the World reached the top by reading reliable books in their GOALS. You’ve gained access to one here and already reading everything. Congrats!
Go through the entire website to learn more about the latest online business, high Income skills, sales & marketing lessons, make money online/offline SECRETS, real life events & real Internet security education, etc. No room for wasting your precious time in this PROSPERITY Website. To make it easy for you, that’s why I summarized each book(everything) I produced as founder of this Website.
It’s easy for you to be making millions monthly in this Website, just like other members if you share/promote your referrer link as Affiliate. Just copy your referrer link under affiliate link through your account dashboard & promote it globally. We have 8Billion People Worldwide now. Means you have opportunity to be making millions monthly. Everything you need to succeed to become a “Super Affiliate(Angel)” is already available across the learning rooms. Super Affiliates usually make between 5 – 10Million each monthly online from Nigeria. You too can reach that level if you trust the process and start now.
ACTION TAKING is the most important step in this Website. Always take MASSIVE ACTIONS over whatever you’ve learned to achieve the best. Always remember to share your testimonies in our WhatsApp(+2348137427016) if these tangible values address your pain. 
Congrats! You can only move forward by keep learning in this International Website World Internet Billionaires Yearly.
WATCHOUT for LIFE TURNAROUND INFORMATION coming to this Website along daily!!!

World Internet Billionaires Copyright © 2020


5 Lessons I Learned From The Best Selling Book “Rich Dad Poor Dad”.

World Internet Billionaires Programme will never pirate any book & we’re not here to affect the other parties businesses. Everything revealed here are just little case studies that pointed to the big things hiding in Rich Dad Poor Dad Book. Try to buy the original one in Amazon, read it like 3 times minimum to be highly successful. To fulfil in life, this book is one of the best Books you need to read, digest & apply in your daily steps. Enjoy…….
5 Lessons I Learned From The Best Selling Book “Rich Dad Poor Dad”.
1st Lesson
1_ The Present Modern School System Is Obsolete!
It is totally finished for you if you failed in your School!
You’ve to score minimum of 50% in average to be credited in the entire global Schools.
The richest People in the entire World are the highest failures. 
Jack Ma failed pass 90% of the people in the entire World and still became the World best.
While failure is not permitted in the School, while failure is the only riot to become the World best.
This is misleading in nature.
Thomas Edison failed unlimited times before finally created light bulbs.
If you do that in MODERN School, you’ve GONE totally!
I failed for good 7 years in forex trading before I became Forex Trading Professional back 2014 & impacted many lives, produced plenty Pro traders after run.
You won’t exist anymore in the School if you do that.
While will I be learning through the same old Systems(Old Syllabus, outdated Teacher/Lecturer, etc.) that is not Tech in nature?
Judge it by yourself in reality life.
2_ Real Financial Education Lacked In School.
Many useless Courses that can’t put ordinary Snacks on the table are still teaching till tomorrow!
Very few Schools teaching Entrepreneur, 90% of them are still doing it on a wrong way.
Why should I read everything in School, came out as 1st Class & still suffering in the job marketplace?
Something is wrong!
No real Financial Education!
Ordinary education teaches you how to get job in the Marketplace.
Financial Education teaches you “How to Sale” anything.
How can you be educated financially according to Rich Dad Poor Dad?
By reading the financial education Books.
Especially, HOW TO SALE.
3_ Don’t live fake luxury life, live reality life.
You don’t need expensive instruments in your Office, Room or Wardrobe if you’re not really get rich.
What you need are reliable Financial Education Books which are ASSET.
Former will take a lot of money away from you.
Later will make you a lot of money to buy whatever convinently in the nearby future.
4_ You Don’t Need Money To Make Money.
Almost everyone believed that to achieve anything in life, you need money.
Wrong assumption!
You can have a million, start new business & lose everything within a year.
What you need is “GREAT MINDSET”(courage & financial education) to start where you’re & create another records.
The tangible secret to achieve anything is to believe in yourself that you can do it, get into the real ACTIONS & finally win.
If Robert Kiyosaki can do it, you can do more.
5_ Read Like A Giant.
World Richest read pass everyone in the Society, that’s why they remain global Leaders.
Don’t just read.
Read financial education Books and take massive actions.
You can conquer anything by being an action taker.
If you live your life in that uncommon zone.
Hope you have been blessed through this message?
Thanks for learning!
The most successful people in the World reached the top by reading reliable books in their GOALS. You’ve gained access to one here and already reading everything. Congrats!
Go through the entire website to learn more about the latest online business, high Income skills, sales & marketing lessons, make money online/offline SECRETS, real life events & real Internet security education, etc. No room for wasting your precious time in this PROSPERITY Website. To make it easy for you, that’s why I summarized each book(everything) I produced as founder of this Website.
It’s easy for you to be making millions monthly in this Website, just like other members if you share/promote your referrer link as Affiliate. Just copy your referrer link under affiliate link through your account dashboard & promote it globally. We have 8Billion People Worldwide now. Means you have opportunity to be making millions monthly. Everything you need to succeed to become a “Super Affiliate(Angel)” is already available across the learning rooms. Super Affiliates usually make between 5 – 10Million each monthly online from Nigeria. You too can reach that level if you trust the process and start now.
ACTION TAKING is the most important step in this Website. Always take MASSIVE ACTIONS over whatever you’ve learned to achieve the best. Always remember to share your testimonies in our WhatsApp(+2348137427016) if these tangible values address your pain. 
Congrats! You can only move forward by keep learning in this International Website World Internet Billionaires Yearly.
WATCHOUT for LIFE TURNAROUND INFORMATION coming to this Website along daily!!!

World Internet Billionaires Copyright © 2020


How to create your first digital Product and make at least $5,000 on launch.

How to create your first digital product and make at least $5,000 on launch.
1. Pick any topic;
• Mindset
• Nutrition
• Health
• Fitness
• Productivity
• Supplements
• Personal finance
• Cryptocurrencies
• Investing
• E-commerce
• Coding
• Dating
• History
• Relationships
• Seduction
• Politics
• Social skills
2. Start a twitter account 
Follow 10;
• Big accounts
• Small accounts 
• Medium accounts
Look at what’s doing great and model.
3. Write a benefit-driven bio
People follow you because of what they’re gaining. 
Tell them what you’ve accomplished and what you can help them accomplish.
4. Engage
For the first 30-100 days
Go beast on interacting with the accounts you followed.
Avoid engaging with accounts that ignore your comments. (It’s a waste of time)
5. Lead your audience to a telegram channel or a discord server 
This helps you build a deeper relationship with your audience. 
Share more about your experience.
6. Create and lead your audience to a mailing list 
Now deliver more of what you’re teaching on twitter. 
Grow your list to at least 1k subscribers and deliver daily. 
(Use convertkit)
7. Document what you’ve been writing on your topic
By 100 to 180 days your audience is craving for more if you’ve been sharing 
• Use ms word for documents
• Loom for document + video
• Gumroad for sales 
• Carrd for your landing page
8. Use your email list, telegram channel or discord server 
Use at least 10-15 accounts you’ve built connections with. 
Make them affiliates before launch date.
9. Tell your audience about your product days before launch 
Keep pumping your product on;
• Twitter 
• Telegram/discord
• Email list 
Educate them on how your product is of help to them.
10. Test your product 
Choose 9-15 accounts and give your product for free,
Get their testimonials
Now your product works.
11. Price and Launch 
Don’t price your product too cheap or expensive to scare away prospects,
Price it at $80+
Hope you have been blessed through this message?
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Go through the entire website to learn more about the latest online business, high Income skills, sales & marketing lessons, make money online/offline SECRETS, real life events & real Internet security education, etc. No room for wasting your precious time in this PROSPERITY Website. To make it easy for you, that’s why I summarized each book(everything) I produced as founder of this Website.
It’s easy for you to be making millions monthly in this Website, just like other members if you share/promote your referrer link as Affiliate. Just copy your referrer link under affiliate link through your account dashboard & promote it globally. We have 8Billion People Worldwide now. Means you have opportunity to be making millions monthly. Everything you need to succeed to become a “Super Affiliate(Angel)” is already available across the learning rooms. Super Affiliates usually make between 5 – 10Million each monthly online from Nigeria. You too can reach that level if you trust the process and start now.
ACTION TAKING is the most important step in this Website. Always take MASSIVE ACTIONS over whatever you’ve learned to achieve the best. Always remember to share your testimonies in our WhatsApp(+2348137427016) if these tangible values address your pain. 
Congrats! You can only move forward by keep learning in this International Website World Internet Billionaires Yearly.
WATCHOUT for LIFE TURNAROUND INFORMATION coming to this Website along daily!!!

World Internet Billionaires Copyright © 2020


How Binance Scale From $0 To Multi-Billion Dollars Industry And Remain The Best Crypto Exchange In The Entire World Till Date.

How Binance Scale From $0 To Multi-Billion Dollars Industry And Remain The Best Crypto Exchange In The Entire World Till Date.
(1) CZ: Values are not something you say, it’s something you do.
(2) After Binance raised $15M USD in July 14, 2017, they banned Exchanges in China come September 4th, 2017(less than 2 Months) & mandated all Exchanges to return the amount raised in ICO. Binance Token(BNB) was up 6X(600% growth) already. No one demanded return! Only CRAZY User could do that.
(3) 4 external ICOs(Initial Coin Offerings) that Binance support in raising funds through their platform already lost some percentage. Binance organized emergency meeting & bear $6M USD suffered by the entire Users of these 4 Projects & other Exchanges, Users flooded binance immediately. Binance did that period they were just 2 Months, spending like crazy in building & acquiring new Talents, others. The return/pain bear was more than 40% of their reserve funds but bear that pain to protect their Users. Values were(are still) CRAZY.
(4) Binance detected that hodling NEO was generating free GAS(another money) & returned generated GAS to the NEO hodlers hodling NEO in Binance Exchange willingly. No exchange ever did that then. NEO Users in other Platforms transferred their NEO to Binance & flooded Binance Exchange immediately.
(5) No exchange rendering Crypto folk rewards & airdrops through Cex. Exchanges. You’ve to move your Coin to qualify Wallet & return back after folk. Binance broke that verdict, even to novice Users. This retained users so well that other exchanges copied Binance shortly afterwards, making the industry more consumer protection oriented.
(6) Binance till tomorrow assisting Binance & Non Binance Users recover wrong transfer Crypto, something costs real money & time, but doing that to protect general Crypto Users & this attracted a lot of Users to Binance.
(7) Binance bear USERS’ losses during beyond imagination experience & no exchange ever done that. You lose your money, you lost it for life.
(8) Old Exchanges were rendering poor Customer Caring. Like even 2 months to reply Users, binance changed the Customer Caring game to 24 hours maximum & they all follow by force not to experience total nock out of Crypto Industry. Binance helped to improve the service standards in the crypto industry.
(9) Binance was the 1st Exchange that created Clients’ chat & respond within minute using 12 languages, instead of others that focus on english language solely.
(10) Binance helps Users with non binance related issues, what has never happened in Crypto Industry even till date(2022).
(11) Binance helps Users recover hacked Cryptos, especially in DeFi. Issues cost real energy & time & Industry Crowd still titled this scam with Binance Exchange name in attachment, something not related to Binance at all. We are still suffering this to protect Global Crypto Community.
(12) When users get SIM swap hacked, Binance’s team was able to help users safeguard their crypto in many instances.
(13) People discouraged binance when we decided to venture into Exchange aspect, condemned Exchange as saturated niche. We dwelled into Exchange based on mission, filled gap & dominated everything. “Just believe in yourself. There are unlimited rooms to fill across the Industries and succeed globally” _ – Jeremiah
(14) All Exchanges were terrible then! You would find it difficult to locate trade execution.  Binance designed one page click & trade, and we dominated trading. They all copied Binance after run which we thought we brought peace into global traders’ UI(User Interface) experience.
(15) Speed: We created the fastest API that allowed “CLICK & TRADE EXPERIENCE”. Never happened in Crypto Industry.
(16) Most Exchanges listed only Bitcoin in 2017 & not even include Ethereum. Binance filled the gap.
(17) Fees: Trading fees were CRAZY in 2017. Binance lowered fees to 10x low & massive Users jumped into BINANCE EXCHANGE.
(18) International: There were two large exchanges supporting a decent number of coins in 2017, Poloniex and Bittrex. Both were ranked high in trading volume when we started in 2017. When Binance looked at the two exchanges, they were highly catered towards US users. They only offered an English interface, no other languages were supported. Both companies were based in the US. Binance wanted to serve the rest of the world. Binance supported nine languages within the first month and expanded to 31 languages today(2022). Binance Customer Support supports 12 languages today, far more than any other platform.
CZ: Binance Founder
In summary, there is no secret sauce to building a successful exchange(business). You have to abide by your values, build a good product and service your users. To that end, I want to thank all of the Binance team, including Binance Angels for their hard work, dedication, and contributions they have made. Lastly, we are by no means perfect. We try very hard to abide by our values and are constantly improving our products and services. We thank you all for your unwavering support and your company in our journey towards a world with better money.
O . S Jeremiah
When Brazilian Ronaldo was really performing in Soccer, very rare to believe that new Legends would emerge & dominated the Soccer Industry. Same applied to Ronaldino of Brazil. Today(2022),  Lionel Messi of Argentina & Ronaldo of Portugal both dominated Soccer Industry for past decade now. Arise and SHINE, you are the next global GIANT.
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It’s easy for you to be making millions monthly in this Website, just like other members if you share/promote your referrer link as Affiliate. Just copy your referrer link under affiliate link through your account dashboard & promote it globally. We have 8Billion People Worldwide now. Means you have opportunity to be making millions monthly. Everything you need to succeed to become a “Super Affiliate(Angel)” is already available across the learning rooms. Super Affiliates usually make between 5 – 10Million each monthly online from Nigeria. You too can reach that level if you trust the process and start now.
ACTION TAKING is the most important step in this Website. Always take MASSIVE ACTIONS over whatever you’ve learned to achieve the best. Always remember to share your testimonies in our WhatsApp(+2348137427016) if these tangible values address your pain. 
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World Internet Billionaires Copyright © 2020


Beyond Human Imagination!

Beyond Human Imagination!
If this real life story doesn’t teach you something big, I don’t know what to call it.
Here are my real life story….
There was a vision in 2009 & We backed the VISION with real actions immediately.
The vision was to set World Class Project for a City in Nigeria.
through the help of God, Project set off.
Like play like joke.
A year Project refused to launch & turned to 3 years.
Like play like play.
5 years.
9 years.
in the 10th year,
I was so determined and concluded to make it live by all means.
I consulted City Kings, Queens, almost all the entire City Leaders for the launching awareness about their Project God devoted its initial finances to my side.
they all supported the launching.
Even, I held live meeting with the richest in the 
City & they all supported fully.
City richest even registered it inside their special SCHEDULE PROGRAMMES notebook for fast recalling.
So joyful before the launching day.
In fact,
Friends, Family, relatives, neighbouring, even animal was celebrating with us as Project team, especially me.
Believed that, with all these City richest be in support, this Project would be highly successful on the launching day.
No one would never believe in any Angel prophesized what would be the encounter in its celebration day.
To cut the long story short!
On the launching Week.
We spent a lot in creating the awareness after invited all Companies in that City, including Microfinances & PLC Banks for this special launching Programme.
On the launching day,
We set big loud Speaking instruments, others to present the Project classically but something strange happened.
You wish to know that?
Nobody among City Leaders attended Standard City Launching Programme!
Is it because it was 3 days to the new year?
Is it because it wasn’t politics?
Is it because of selfishness?
Is it because of they don’t like themselves & they’re not interested in sitting together?
Were they having occasions?
Were they totally disliked that City?
What was the major barrier?
Because, same Leaders used to attend ordinary occasions & this is World Class City Project we’re talking about.
Nobody can explain till tomorrow.
The Multi millions Project failed woefully on the launching day & We Project team didn’t realized 20k($40).
What’s the moral of this lesson?
You can’t control what “BEYOND HUMAN IMAGINATION”.
You wish to know the name of that Nigeria City, real project cost & full details?
More about this story at anytime in the future.
Hope you have been blessed through this message?
Thanks for learning!
The most successful people in the World reached the top by reading reliable books in their GOALS. You’ve gained access to one here and already reading everything. Congrats!
Go through the entire website to learn more about the latest online business, high Income skills, sales & marketing lessons, make money online/offline SECRETS, real life events & real Internet security education, etc. No room for wasting your precious time in this PROSPERITY Website. To make it easy for you, that’s why I summarized each book(everything) I produced as founder of this Website.
It’s easy for you to be making millions monthly in this Website, just like other members if you share/promote your referrer link as Affiliate. Just copy your referrer link under affiliate link through your account dashboard & promote it globally. We have 8Billion People Worldwide now. Means you have opportunity to be making millions monthly. Everything you need to succeed to become a “Super Affiliate(Angel)” is already available across the learning rooms. Super Affiliates usually make between 5 – 10Million each monthly online from Nigeria. You too can reach that level if you trust the process and start now.
ACTION TAKING is the most important step in this Website. Always take MASSIVE ACTIONS over whatever you’ve learned to achieve the best. Always remember to share your testimonies in our WhatsApp(+2348137427016) if these tangible values address your pain. 
Congrats! You can only move forward by keep learning in this International Website World Internet Billionaires Yearly.
WATCHOUT for LIFE TURNAROUND INFORMATION coming to this Website along daily!!!

World Internet Billionaires Copyright © 2020


7 Ways To Sell Anything As An Affiliate.

7 Ways To Sell Anything As An Affiliate:
Let’s use World Internet Billionaires Website as a case study here.
1_ Create WhatsApp Groups & Add Your Friends/Family.
You can do that in one minute. 
But, make sure that you understand World Internet Billionaires program advancely, so that you can present it well before your group.
Wrong presentation kills present/future sales opportunities.
That’s where inexperienced affiliate kills everything.
There is no reason to rush, if you don’t understand World Internet Billionaires Programme well.
Nurture them for 3 days minimum before you can sell through your affiliate link.
Nobody buys from hungry affiliate.
Position yourself better.
Don’t campaign World Internet Billionaires Programme wrongly, just like the way they used to advertise Ponzi/Pyramid SCHEME.
Condemn those Scam Programmes before them to position yourself well.
After 3-7 days maximum, start attaching your affiliate link to the free education contents.
They will register under you.
You present well.
World Internet Billionaires Program have unlimited Solutions over their worries.
There is one Guy that’s making 3 millions minimum monthly using this method.
If this young undergraduate guy could make it & testify, you too can.
2_ Create Telegram Groups & Add Your Friends/Family.
Apply the same strategies in number one & you will sell tired.
It works like CRAZY, from experience.
People are more active on WhatsApp but Telegram has better functions.
Chose your most interested one by yourself.
No barrier.
3_ Word of Mouth
This is an old school marketing system but still works till tomorrow.
Same period you’re wasting in arguments offline.
Use it to campaign for World Internet Billionaires Website, they will catch interest & register under you.
As long as they trust you.
Your authority will command them.
There are plenty Crowd in your Church/Mosque/School, etc.
Stop wasting your precious time daily & apply this opportunity to monitize your time.
Time is real money for the Wise!
4_ Join Groups & Be Active.
Research many groups in WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter, Telegram, etc.
Join Groups related to World Internet Billionaires Programme.
99% of INTERNET groups related due to our multi-niches services.
Try to be active & introduce World Internet Billionaires to them after like 7 days.
It works well well & it will work for you.
The room is large in the entire World to make money in World Internet Billionaires International Platform.
5_ Partner With Influencers
A lot of Influencers are in Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, TikTok, YouTube, Like It, etc.
All these Influencers are looking for who to advertise with them.
Partner with many & request for 50% off ad charges, some of them will welcome you, with their believe that you will be placing adverts with them consistently ahead. 
Tell them you have long term goals as Affiliate.
A lot of them will welcome you & cut off the ad(advert) charges for you.
It is so easy to generate Clients through your affiliate link, using Influencers.
You will tap into their authorities.
Their Followers trust, like & know them already(KLT RULES).
They usually patronize whatever they introduce/place/present before them.
6_ JV
We call this “Join Venture”.
As simple as this,
you connect any Entrepreneur or Influencer or any group Owner & offer them reliable part of your affiliate Commission.
Some will collect deposit upward.
Some will welcome your offer, as long as he/she trust you that you won’t disappoint him/her.
Through that,
you present your selling copy(having Affiliate link) & he does the whole job for you.
Some even have big mail list to send your campaign.
They will send you plenty sales.
Means, more reliable Clients, plenty money.
All these methods have been working perfectly for years.
Just believe in yourself & take massive actions now.
7_ Paid Ads
Try to learn how to advertise on Facebook, Instagram, Google, YouTube, TikTok, etc.
That is working like CRAZY!
plenty Affiliates are using these methods.
A lot of affiliates are making millions Monthly using any of the samples so far, 
why not you?
Advertisement guides are available in our platform & more are coming weekly.
Nothing is holding you anymore.
Start now,
Learn along the process,
And make millions monthly.
You can build your mail list(Clients’ emails) through ads & be selling through email marketing.
Giant Affiliates are using both paid ads & mail marketing.
Some are selling through WhatsApp Status after built their WhatsApp Contacts. Most of Expertnaire Affiliates are selling through WhatsApp Status.
You can run paid ads in reliable WhatsApp T.V like The Pot Media T.V.
There is no one size fits it all!
Seun Ogundele & Victory Akpomedaye started same ways without any excuse in JVZoo & they dominated International Platforms.
Caleb, top Expertnaire Affiliate started same way in Expertnaire, dominated & be making millions Weekly.
Our top Affiliates started same ways & be laughing to the bank Monthly.
YOU are the only reason to delay yourself.
Now is the right time.
Stop complaining about the Government!
Make used of this real millionsmaking opportunities & start now.
Hope you have been blessed through this message?
Thanks for learning!
The most successful people in the World reached the top by reading reliable books in their GOALS. You’ve gained access to one here and already reading everything. Congrats!
Go through the entire website to learn more about the latest online business, high Income skills, sales & marketing lessons, make money online/offline SECRETS, real life events & real Internet security education, etc. No room for wasting your precious time in this PROSPERITY Website. To make it easy for you, that’s why I summarized each book(everything) I produced as founder of this Website.
It’s easy for you to be making millions monthly in this Website, just like other members if you share/promote your referrer link as Affiliate. Just copy your referrer link under affiliate link through your account dashboard & promote it globally. We have 8Billion People Worldwide now. Means you have opportunity to be making millions monthly. Everything you need to succeed to become a “Super Affiliate(Angel)” is already available across the learning rooms. Super Affiliates usually make between 5 – 10Million each monthly online from Nigeria. You too can reach that level if you trust the process and start now.
ACTION TAKING is the most important step in this Website. Always take MASSIVE ACTIONS over whatever you’ve learned to achieve the best. Always remember to share your testimonies in our WhatsApp(+2348137427016) if these tangible values address your pain. 
Congrats! You can only move forward by keep learning in this International Website World Internet Billionaires Yearly.
WATCHOUT for LIFE TURNAROUND INFORMATION coming to this Website along daily!!!

World Internet Billionaires Copyright © 2020


3 Ways To Make Millions In World Internet Billionaires Website.

3 Ways To Make Millions In World Internet Billionaires Website.
1_ Be a real Learner.
According to the White race,
“hide success secrets inside the book for the Black Man & he would never being successful for life”.
Black races don’t read!
Emerging bill Gate, one among the richest used to read one book minimum every Week.
A global successful Man.
The most successful information you need for the financial breakthrough have been loaded for you in this Website, it’s your right to read, listen, watch & learn massively.
Millions more info are loading ahead by our busy Programmers working day & night, to offer you the best we have prepared for you in World Internet Billionaires platform.
What’s remain to be highly successful in YOU.
Study in this platform like you’ve never before daily & you will win big through focus.
Nobody can control that for you!
2_ Be active daily in our Telegram Channel.
Our Website Telegram Channel is 
Try to be active daily to be the 1st to capture any open OPPORTUNITIES.
That’s our emergency updates room.
3_ Join World Internet Billionaires affiliate.
Our Affiliate Commission is huge & we used to pay each affiliate once every Week.
Instead of complaining no money/job always,
join our affiliate if having audience/people you think they can register under you.
What you can earn Weekly is unlimited!
Just try to study “HOW TO SELL ANYTHING”, which is also available in this Website across.
It’s so easy to be making millions Weekly?
This Website has provided solutions to the entire World problems.
Solutions like:
Moneymaking Secrets
Sales & Marketing
Business Opportunities
Life Securities
Money Matters
Dating & Marriage
High Income Skills
Technology Industry
Scaling Solutions
Life Security
Only you can limit yourself in this International Solutions Platform – World Internet Billionaires.
World Population is over 8 Billion People now.
anybody can subscribe in this International Website, no matter how his/her location/Country.
You can now see that it’s easy to be making millions weeky here.
If you’re a Student,
instead of shouting strike/unemployment/broke,
Get yourself employed through this Platform, experience financial breakthrough & change your story for life. 
The ball is at your Court now!
Hope you have been blessed through this message?
Thanks for learning!
The most successful people in the World reached the top by reading reliable books in their GOALS. You’ve gained access to one here and already reading everything. Congrats!
Go through the entire website to learn more about the latest online business, high Income skills, sales & marketing lessons, make money online/offline SECRETS, real life events & real Internet security education, etc. No room for wasting your precious time in this PROSPERITY Website. To make it easy for you, that’s why I summarized each book(everything) I produced as founder of this Website.
It’s easy for you to be making millions monthly in this Website, just like other members if you share/promote your referrer link as Affiliate. Just copy your referrer link under affiliate link through your account dashboard & promote it globally. We have 8Billion People Worldwide now. Means you have opportunity to be making millions monthly. Everything you need to succeed to become a “Super Affiliate(Angel)” is already available across the learning rooms. Super Affiliates usually make between 5 – 10Million each monthly online from Nigeria. You too can reach that level if you trust the process and start now.
ACTION TAKING is the most important step in this Website. Always take MASSIVE ACTIONS over whatever you’ve learned to achieve the best. Always remember to share your testimonies in our WhatsApp(+2348137427016) if these tangible values address your pain. 
Congrats! You can only move forward by keep learning in this International Website World Internet Billionaires Yearly.
WATCHOUT for LIFE TURNAROUND INFORMATION coming to this Website along daily!!!

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